Daffodil Scully, also known as Little Daffy or Sister Apothecaire, is a character in the The Wicked Years.
A Munchkinlander by birth, she was present at the death of Nessarose Thropp. She spent most of her life as a maunt at The Cloister of Saint Glinda. In her later years she traveled with the Clock of the Time Dragon.
Wicked Years[]
Son of a Witch[]
Sister Apothecaire is seen at the Cloister of St. Glinda. She is a subordinate to Sister Doctor, causing some angst between the two. Both sisters give Liir small chance of recovery when he arrives at the Cloister. The Superior Maunt sends them on their mission in the Vinkus partly to stop them fussing over the injured Liir.
A Lion Among Men[]
She appears in A Lion among Men where she locks Brrr, Yackle and the company of the clock in a room in the mauntery, before leaving with the other maunts. She later returns to free them before tripping and bumping her head. Mr. Boss decides to take her with them when they leave.
Out of Oz[]
Little Daffy joins her now-husband, Mr. Boss, with Brrr and Nor in the company of the Time Dragon Clock, becoming a member of the "Patchwork Conscience of Oz' as they travel with Rain to find her parents. After the company disbands, she continues on with Mr. Boss, and Brrr to come to Dorothy's defense in Munchkinland when the girl is put on trial for the murder of Nessarose Thropp. At Dorothy's trial she reveals her full name as Daffodil Scully, and that she was present at the death of Nessarose Thropp.