Wicked Wiki
Wicked Wiki
This is a rule for users that plan to contribute to the Wicked Wiki. Please read this before editing. If you need more or wish to add or revise these rules, speak with an Admin.


  • Be respectful of other users.
  • Keep all personal affairs between the respective parties; do not bring disputes onto article pages or other users.
  • Comment sections are open to the public. It is encouraged to use the space to add any missing information that you deem to be essential for the article and do not have any experience with MediaWiki editing. It can also be used for major edits that you believe should be put into a consensus.
  • Absolutely no harassing or insulting other users. This is not tolerated and will result in a ban.
  • If you feel that a user is doing something that warrants a warning or a ban, privately speak to an administrator and let them sort out the situation.
  • Do not edit any other users' User Page without explicit permission (such as when asked to help with complicated code issues). Permission must be traceable, such as with a request on a message wall. Note that Spam Team and Admins have permission to edit user pages to censor swearing or to remove extreme content which violates rules.
  • No sexually explicit content. Note that we are aware that sexual content is present throughout the Wicked Years, but we limit the content beyond that.
  • No swearing.
  • Do not remove warnings from admins, chat mods, or spam team members from your message wall. Doing so will usually result in a ban.


  • On the wiki we have split the pages between Musical and Book pages. Whenever you are writing links make sure to remember which counterpart you are talking about, if it is the musical version write name/Musical but if it is the book version write the link as normal